Holistic Wellness Counseling & Consultant Services
"Our Goal is to move toward cultural renewal and wellness"
"Our Goal is to move toward cultural renewal and wellness"

Holistic Wellness strives to collaborate and partner with the following community organizations, agencies, and programs:
Goal of Collaboration: To provide multidimensional services to achieve balance, harmony, and healthy lifestyles.
Amistades, Inc
Pascua Yaqui Tribe (PYT)
Tohono O'odham Nation (TON)
Tohono O'odham Behavioral Health
Sells Hospital, (TON)
San Xavier Clinic, (TON)
Navajo Nation
University of Arizona,
Wassaja Carlos Montezuma Center for Native Health, College of Medicine
American Indian & Alaska Native Behavioral Health center of Excellence
American Indian Research Center for Health (ARICH)
Native American Research Center for Health (NARTC)
Center for Innovation in Brain Science
Native American Student Affairs
Indigenous Resilience Center
College of Public Health
College of Medicine
College of Nursing, INCATS and ANCATS Programs
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Northern Arizona
Arizona Partnership for Native American Cancer Prevention, University of Arizona/Northern AZ
Center for American Indian Resilience (CAIR), University of Arizona/Northern AZ
Arizona State University
Washington State University
University of South Dakota
Arizona American Indian Health- AHEC
Arizona Cancer Center
Banner Health
Association of American Indian Physicians
Indian Health Services (IHS)
Tucson Area
Phoenix Area
California Area
Desert Visions Youth Wellness Center
Nevada Skies Youth Treatment Center
The Haven, Women in Recovery
America’s Addiction Recovery Centers
Eastern Arizona Regional Federal Juvenile Detention Facility
Native Music Coalition
PSA Art Awakenings
Ha:san Preparatory School
Wildcat School
Tucson Unified School District, Native American Studies Dept.
Amphi Unified School District, Native American Education Program
Raices Taller 222
Pima County ICWA Program
City of Tucson, Parks and Recreation
Community Prevention Coalition of Pima County
Diverse Voices in Prevention, Pima County
National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
All of Us Research Program (NIH)
National Cancer Institute
National Institute of Health Tribal Health Office
National Indian Health Board
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Justice Management Institue, Wichoyanke Network
Institute of Indigenous Americas Legacy - I Am Legacy
President Biden Cancer Moonshot Initiative
White House